I was just curious as to which spec is going to put out the best dps on a fight like the Saurfang encounter (just for an example). And what would be the best way to gem the gear i need/get from icc. Thanks guys and keep up the great work!
Question for main Rogues in Paragon
Re: Question for main Rogues in Paragon
- Posts: 109
- Location: Finland
Hey Fiziks,
The diffrence in combat and mutilate spec dps is not that huge anymore after several fine tunings of the mutilate spec. So you should pick the spec you can get better gear at the moment.
In some fights combat spec has advantage due to multiple cd.s and faster target switching. Mutilate is marginally better dps on fights where you dont need to change targets very often.
The gemming mainly goes like this:
Red Sockets
Ap gems or Expertise gems
Yeallow sockets
Ap/Haste or AP/Hit gems.
Hit gems if you are falling under 237 rating (without draenai in grp).
Expertise/Hit gems are also a good choice sometimes if you need both hit and expertise.
Blue Sockets
One Nightmare tear to highest socket bonus socket.
AP gems.
Red Sockets
Arp when you can get more than 800 rating passive without arp proc trinket, arp until softcap with arp proc trinket.
AP if you can't get over 800 arp by gemmin arp to red sockets
Yeallow Sockets
AP/Haste Or AP/Hit gems again.
Hit gems or Expertise/Hit.
Arp to Yeallow sockets when you are getting less than 150 rating away from hardcap and have enough hit.
Blue Sockets
One Nightmare tear to highest socket bonus socket.
Arp or AP depending on your gemming.
Misc. info
If you are gemming for arp you should also use Arp-food for higher dps than normal fish feast.
Gemming nightmare tear to blue socket with 6 agi bonus is better than gemming nightmare tear to 3 socket-color item with 8 agi bonus, since you need to gem yeallow color gem to your gear which would be better as ap or arp gem.
Combat uses 20/51 spec nowdays with 1/3 in vilepoisons and 4/5 in imp. poisons and also instant poison in mainhand.
There are so many diffrent gearing choice and I wont start to list them here. The Trinket with frost emblems is good for both specs, deathbringers will is mainly for combat and whispering fanged skull is good for both specs. For weapons the ones from ICC25 are superior atm due to their high ilvl.
Picking up 4x tier 10 wont be a bad choice but it's not optimal for combat until you'll start getting 277ilvl ones. For mutilate 4x tier10 is better but you should still try to simulate your dps with some of the tools created for this purpose before making final decisions.
Aldriana's Spreadsheets
The spreadsheets in above link have proved to be quite accurate for me, atleast for combat, havent been mutilate in pve after ulduar myself. Its quite easy to try out diffrent gear combinations in the spreadsheets once you get to know them well. You can also evaluate what kinda of rotation would be best to use.
Other tools for dps simulating to name few are: Rawr and Simulationcraft.
You can also find more rogue dps related discussion in the other elitistjerks threads at the rogue section.
These infos above are based on multiple spreadsheets, ingame testing and performance. These "tips" are better used just as a guideline since there are always small variations due to so many gear choices so I sincerely hope you'll adapt to the use of spreadsheet or diffrent dps-simulating programs.
Simple yet effective way to increase dps in PvE is to have a good addon to track your debuffs and buffs. I like Rogue power bars addon alot myself, I can customize the bars to show what debuffs or buffs I want and show them where I want.
Heres a link to it aswell
Wish you best of luck finding best dps-spec and gear for your rogue
The diffrence in combat and mutilate spec dps is not that huge anymore after several fine tunings of the mutilate spec. So you should pick the spec you can get better gear at the moment.
In some fights combat spec has advantage due to multiple cd.s and faster target switching. Mutilate is marginally better dps on fights where you dont need to change targets very often.
The gemming mainly goes like this:
Red Sockets
Ap gems or Expertise gems
Yeallow sockets
Ap/Haste or AP/Hit gems.
Hit gems if you are falling under 237 rating (without draenai in grp).
Expertise/Hit gems are also a good choice sometimes if you need both hit and expertise.
Blue Sockets
One Nightmare tear to highest socket bonus socket.
AP gems.
Red Sockets
Arp when you can get more than 800 rating passive without arp proc trinket, arp until softcap with arp proc trinket.
AP if you can't get over 800 arp by gemmin arp to red sockets
Yeallow Sockets
AP/Haste Or AP/Hit gems again.
Hit gems or Expertise/Hit.
Arp to Yeallow sockets when you are getting less than 150 rating away from hardcap and have enough hit.
Blue Sockets
One Nightmare tear to highest socket bonus socket.
Arp or AP depending on your gemming.
Misc. info
If you are gemming for arp you should also use Arp-food for higher dps than normal fish feast.
Gemming nightmare tear to blue socket with 6 agi bonus is better than gemming nightmare tear to 3 socket-color item with 8 agi bonus, since you need to gem yeallow color gem to your gear which would be better as ap or arp gem.
Combat uses 20/51 spec nowdays with 1/3 in vilepoisons and 4/5 in imp. poisons and also instant poison in mainhand.
There are so many diffrent gearing choice and I wont start to list them here. The Trinket with frost emblems is good for both specs, deathbringers will is mainly for combat and whispering fanged skull is good for both specs. For weapons the ones from ICC25 are superior atm due to their high ilvl.
Picking up 4x tier 10 wont be a bad choice but it's not optimal for combat until you'll start getting 277ilvl ones. For mutilate 4x tier10 is better but you should still try to simulate your dps with some of the tools created for this purpose before making final decisions.
Aldriana's Spreadsheets
The spreadsheets in above link have proved to be quite accurate for me, atleast for combat, havent been mutilate in pve after ulduar myself. Its quite easy to try out diffrent gear combinations in the spreadsheets once you get to know them well. You can also evaluate what kinda of rotation would be best to use.
Other tools for dps simulating to name few are: Rawr and Simulationcraft.
You can also find more rogue dps related discussion in the other elitistjerks threads at the rogue section.
These infos above are based on multiple spreadsheets, ingame testing and performance. These "tips" are better used just as a guideline since there are always small variations due to so many gear choices so I sincerely hope you'll adapt to the use of spreadsheet or diffrent dps-simulating programs.
Simple yet effective way to increase dps in PvE is to have a good addon to track your debuffs and buffs. I like Rogue power bars addon alot myself, I can customize the bars to show what debuffs or buffs I want and show them where I want.
Heres a link to it aswell
Wish you best of luck finding best dps-spec and gear for your rogue
Re: Question for main Rogues in Paragon
- Posts: 3
Absolutely amazing info. :shock: Thank you so much. :mrgreen: So I decided to go mut spec. Any tips on what my general rotation should be?
Re: Question for main Rogues in Paragon
- Posts: 109
- Location: Finland
I'm not an mutilate expert by no means but as far as I know the general rotation for mutilate is just to use mutilate for 4+ combos and then envenom, then mutilate again when you have envenom buff on for extra poison dmg, then renew envenom right when its dropping or you can even clip the envenom buffs if your energys are capping. Rebuff the hunger for blood as low duration as you dare, you'll use less energy over the fight if you keep it rolling nearly to end.
Having envenom buff tracked in your addons helps alot aswell.
Having envenom buff tracked in your addons helps alot aswell.
Re: Question for main Rogues in Paragon
- Posts: 3
Well then my rotation has been pretty solid but I was just making sure. I can't seem to decide if the 4set bonus is worth getting or not. I'm sure I would benefit from it but some of the t10 has arp, which isn't that great for mut rogues as far as I know. It seems that something with haste instead of arp would be more beneficial for me in the long run. Am I right about this or no?
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