Playing as clicker for the last 3 years i can say that i have some promblems. I never had a DPS promblem and always was a good
on that part in both specs- mutti and combat.
I play 100% as a clicker with simple mouse and just hit spells in bars. I learn it that way and i can say that its not hard for me.
The promblem is that i spend alot of my time looking in bars and not in fire under me or dbm warrnings. -- And die some times for stupid reasons. As we all know DEAD Rogues cant do DPS. - This promblem make me thing that i have to lern keybindings
So i have some question to you that for sure gonna help me learn keybindings from start!
- Is any site that i can see keybindings...i mean there is a strategy for easy and tested keybindings special for Rogues?
- Tern left - tern Right (Q/E) is better to put spells in that keys and always tern with mouse and with Strafe left and Right as (A/D)? (this cant of terns always help) How many yu have it?
- Is keybindings the only ways for PRO gaming skills?
As i sayd at the start my dps is realy good and this not because i am a super rogue but because i always read about my class.
But if i have to score my skills that was be - 6/10 and this casue of i lock my eyes in my bars. Its time for me to do that move and change my gameplay.
All i am asking for you is to say any tips if you have for fast learning and answear in my questions.
Thanks for reading.
ps: sorry for my poor english.
Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
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Re: Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
- Posts: 317
You could just install bartender or another bar mod to move your bars so they are near your character. If you did that, you would be able to see the fire under you while looking for that button :)
Re: Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
- Posts: 551
But, for the love of god, still start using keybinds. You'll gain speed to your ability usage and more focus to important things like encounter mechanics and your cooldowns (if you track them somehow in your UI).
Re: Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
- Posts: 18
A couple of tips when starting to use keybinds instead of clicking:
1. use keybinds that feel natural for you. Looking at a picture of someone else's ui and trying to copy their keybinds may hurt more then help you. Also be careful that not to keybind abilities that you intend to use in quick succession to computer commands (When you hit alt and f4 for back to back abilities, funny things sometimes happen - and yes i have seen that happen)
2. practice! do bgs, 5mans etc until you know your keybinds perfectly. use cds etc every chance you get to learn where your hands need to go. You want to know where these are fairly well before you go into your raid, so you can avoid clicking as much as possible.
3. If you find you are still staring at your bars watching cooldowns all the time, or if having your bars near your character isn't working for whatever reason, get some sort of mod/add-on (power auras, TellmeWhen, Weakauras etc..) and set your cds up in these mods, as they can put some sort of visual clue on your screen for your cds instead. Something that helped me get used to watching this mod instead of my bars was putting most of my bars on mouseover - hard to stare at something that isn't there.
Other then that the more your use your keybinds, the faster you will be able to use your abilities. And as someone who used to be a clicker, keybindings are way easier and faster once your used to them
1. use keybinds that feel natural for you. Looking at a picture of someone else's ui and trying to copy their keybinds may hurt more then help you. Also be careful that not to keybind abilities that you intend to use in quick succession to computer commands (When you hit alt and f4 for back to back abilities, funny things sometimes happen - and yes i have seen that happen)
2. practice! do bgs, 5mans etc until you know your keybinds perfectly. use cds etc every chance you get to learn where your hands need to go. You want to know where these are fairly well before you go into your raid, so you can avoid clicking as much as possible.
3. If you find you are still staring at your bars watching cooldowns all the time, or if having your bars near your character isn't working for whatever reason, get some sort of mod/add-on (power auras, TellmeWhen, Weakauras etc..) and set your cds up in these mods, as they can put some sort of visual clue on your screen for your cds instead. Something that helped me get used to watching this mod instead of my bars was putting most of my bars on mouseover - hard to stare at something that isn't there.
Other then that the more your use your keybinds, the faster you will be able to use your abilities. And as someone who used to be a clicker, keybindings are way easier and faster once your used to them
Re: Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
- Posts: 551
Superfunk wrote:- Is any site that i can see keybindings...i mean there is a strategy for easy and tested keybindings special for Rogues?
Doubt it. The way to figure out the best keybinds is to think how your hand lays and moves on the keyboard comfortably. Your hand size also affects this. When you have your index finger on D, middle finger on W and your ring finger on A, which buttons you can push the most easiest when still steering your character? (With A, W and D, presuming you use the basic movement keys). I prefer different buttons with ranged dps as the buttons I spam the most. When I play melee (which I do rarely), I prefer to use buttons closer to AWD for spam buttons. Though this is just me, I'll still give you a few tips from what I've realized while setting up my own keybindings.
First of all, do you feel comfortable pushing number buttons? How far can you push them? Myself I can still reach 5 (not from numpad of course) easily, but 6 is out of my reach. So 1-5 are good dps/cooldown buttons for me. I feel comfortable pushing the following buttons fast while still moving: Q, C, F, E, and R. So if I played melee I'd bind my main attacks to those buttons. I can still reach V, G, H, T, Y, and § (to the left from 1) comfortably when I don't need to move with AWD, so I have less spammy buttons there, such as cooldowns or more special case buttons.
Can you easily push shift+number buttons? If yes, good for you! You just gained 5 more good buttons. How about ctrl+some other "good" button? If yes, you just got a lot more buttons, hooray! Some people like pressing alt with their thumb+some other buttons with their index, gets you a lot more room to keybind your abilities. I really hate all alt, shift and ctrl binds so I use only a couple of them. I however feel good with mouse buttons. I have a mouse (the new SteelSeries wow mouse) that has many buttons, and I've been able to bind 6 important macros/abilities/cooldowns there.
TL;DR Place your hand on the keyboard and test out which buttons are easy to press for you. Unbind some basic Blizzard keys (like C for character panel) and bind abilities on them as well. Do this to all buttons that feel comfortable to use, and just rebind the Blizzard stuff elsewhere. Use your mouse and shift, alt and ctrl combinations. Test them out and perfect your bindings, you don't need to get everything right the first time.
Also, download Bartender or similar addon to bind the buttons fast by scrolling over them with mouse and just pressing the bind you want to have there.
Superfunk wrote:- Tern left - tern Right (Q/E) is better to put spells in that keys and always tern with mouse and with Strafe left and Right as (A/D)? (this cant of terns always help) How many yu have it?
Yeah, it's better to bind keys to those buttons and have strafe right on D and strafe left on A. If you need to just turn, use your mouse (just like you said).
Superfunk wrote:- Is keybindings the only ways for PRO gaming skills?
In my eyes it is.
Re: Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
- Posts: 13
WoW! Thanks so much for great infos from both of you! Spiritrain & Xenophics. Thats the way i think it my self, but for sure not so good as you say it.
I use a simple microsoft bluetooth mouse with just 2 more buttons in left side, so i can put 2 spells there. I have long fingers so Xenophics i can for sure pushing way buttons. I try learn use "shift" cause i thing need it with the mouse i have ...but i hate it like you. Jump from clicks to keybinds its realy big pain but with all this i see that is the only way for seeing my self have better skills and much more focus mind.
The only reson i had my fingers in keybord til now was to use A-W-D and A-D as normal left and right...
I am gonna get Bartender for sure and try fix it. I am not so active (Raids) atm cause of rl things so i have time to practice.
I allready see Sinister Strike - Slice and Dice - Eviscerate - Rupture, in E-Q-R-F keys. For sure i need 25 keybinds or more, but i thing i found the way.
Thank you very much.
I use a simple microsoft bluetooth mouse with just 2 more buttons in left side, so i can put 2 spells there. I have long fingers so Xenophics i can for sure pushing way buttons. I try learn use "shift" cause i thing need it with the mouse i have ...but i hate it like you. Jump from clicks to keybinds its realy big pain but with all this i see that is the only way for seeing my self have better skills and much more focus mind.
The only reson i had my fingers in keybord til now was to use A-W-D and A-D as normal left and right...
I am gonna get Bartender for sure and try fix it. I am not so active (Raids) atm cause of rl things so i have time to practice.
I allready see Sinister Strike - Slice and Dice - Eviscerate - Rupture, in E-Q-R-F keys. For sure i need 25 keybinds or more, but i thing i found the way.
Thank you very much.
Re: Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
- Posts: 18
If you are willing to use Shift+mouse, as well as the mouse wheel (up/down) theres 8 potential keybinds available for you off your mouse, which involve very little movement of your hands.
Re: Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
- Posts: 202
As a rogue you don't really need that many keys for the spells that you use on your actual rotation. I think you could forget about the shift/ctrl/alt hotkey combinations if you wanted to. Though it's arguable whether or not it's easier to map the keys to 10 different buttons or just 1-5 and shift + 1-5.
If you're planning on doing any pvp, however, it's nice to have everything bound to a button, and perhaps a focus bind to ctrl or something for the same ability.
If you're planning on doing any pvp, however, it's nice to have everything bound to a button, and perhaps a focus bind to ctrl or something for the same ability.
Re: Change way of playing. Clicker ---> Keybindings.
- Posts: 13
Hello Rakez.
Yes maybe is like you say it. With the help of some macros i thing i can forget shift -alt keys. Or maybe use little on them, just one or two. I am 90% PvE player and have always my main rogue with both PvE specs. If i want to have some fun with PvP i play with my alt rogue that have him for farm (secontary profs) and PvP.
I feel totaly lost in this first steps with keybindings but even if i do mistakes in the start i already see my mind more focus in dbm and things happent on me. I am sure for this change and i beleave that in the end i am gonna see much better skills from me.
Yes maybe is like you say it. With the help of some macros i thing i can forget shift -alt keys. Or maybe use little on them, just one or two. I am 90% PvE player and have always my main rogue with both PvE specs. If i want to have some fun with PvP i play with my alt rogue that have him for farm (secontary profs) and PvP.
I feel totaly lost in this first steps with keybindings but even if i do mistakes in the start i already see my mind more focus in dbm and things happent on me. I am sure for this change and i beleave that in the end i am gonna see much better skills from me.
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