Sub trinket
Sub trinket
- Posts: 19
Hello i want to ask which trinket is better for sub pve: Fruid Death or Ancient Petrified Seed.. Shadowcraft is not updating my character with the sub spec and cant check it :(...
Re: Sub trinket
- Posts: 23
You shouldnt play sub at all. go eather combat or multilate spec what ever you find best.
Re: Sub trinket
- Posts: 202
That's not entirely true. At least in tier 12 gear you actually get the best single target results with sub. What's better probably depends most on the fight duration, but I'd guess overall fluid death would be the way to go. You can change your spec in shadowcraft without ever reloading from armory, there are even stock choices that are fast to switch to on the spec page. Check it out and make your decision taking that into account.
Re: Sub trinket
- Posts: 19
Machalphelp wrote:You shouldnt play sub at all. go eather combat or multilate spec what ever you find best.
Well im using the sub spec for Baleroc hc
Thanks rakez will check it..
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