Question for the rogues(rakez)
Question for the rogues(rakez)
- Posts: 1
I Was wondering, what exactly are you using for a rotation, and at your raiding level is hit really so lack luster you only need around 230?
Re: Question for the rogues(rakez)
- Posts: 202
Hello, as far as my single target rotation goes I'm currently using a "Low rupture" cycle which is based around having slice and dice up at all times, and doing a rupture when I can do it without capping my energy and otherwise use eviscerate. Tinwhisker gives a good rundown of the usual cycles here (couldn't find the original explanation =( ). Spreadsheets tell you which cycle is the best for your gear, but usually it's best to run high rupture if you're in 4p t8, low rupture if anything else. However if you reach near-bis t9 gear and use a lot of armor penetration (and possibly mace spec) an eviscerate only cycle might be the best for you.
For AOE fights like anub the rotation gets a bit different. Mostly I just try to keep slice and dice up with ruthlessness procs while foking and using my cooldowns when there are as many mobs as possible around the range to get the most out of blade flurry. Whenever there isn't stuff to aoe I check that snd is still on and try to get a rupture on the main target for lucky 2p t9 set bonus procs.
The reason why I had so "low" hit values in my gear a while ago was that while using the latest spreadsheets from Elitist Jerks Rogue Forums I noticed that the gear setup I had on yielded more dps than any other setup that was possible for me to wear at that point. There isn't a "magic number" for hit rating. As long as your special attacks are hit capped the dps value of hit rating isn't as high as other stats like agility or crit. Also, because I have armor penetration gems I didn't have to worry about my crit reaching the cap even though I had only around 230 hit rating from my gear.
For AOE fights like anub the rotation gets a bit different. Mostly I just try to keep slice and dice up with ruthlessness procs while foking and using my cooldowns when there are as many mobs as possible around the range to get the most out of blade flurry. Whenever there isn't stuff to aoe I check that snd is still on and try to get a rupture on the main target for lucky 2p t9 set bonus procs.
The reason why I had so "low" hit values in my gear a while ago was that while using the latest spreadsheets from Elitist Jerks Rogue Forums I noticed that the gear setup I had on yielded more dps than any other setup that was possible for me to wear at that point. There isn't a "magic number" for hit rating. As long as your special attacks are hit capped the dps value of hit rating isn't as high as other stats like agility or crit. Also, because I have armor penetration gems I didn't have to worry about my crit reaching the cap even though I had only around 230 hit rating from my gear.
2 posts -