addOn question

addOn question

Post 23 Nov 2010 02:17

Avatar Shikios
Posts: 3
Dear Paragon rogues,

I would like to know the list of addOns which was used in World First LK 25HM video.
The addOns show up skills and duration ... etc. Which addOns are crucial for raiding?
Please list the addOns u guys use.

Thx in advance, i really appreciate it.

Re: addOn question

Post 23 Nov 2010 11:34

Avatar Maewo
Posts: 3
The addon you are talking about from Maeil's UI, is Rogue Power Bars. It shows your skill duration. Other then that it's pretty basic, Recount, DBM/DXE/BigWigs, Omen, MSBT(optional), it all comes down to personal preference in the end.