I was wondering if you guys have tested out the new combat/mut tree. I have done some testing with both and i have noticed Mut does a lot more dps then combat and wanted to know what you guys are using for rotation for mut/combat. Also are you guys liking the new talents.
this is not just for paragon rogues, but kinda want everyones thoughts and different opinions. Im liking the new mut tree and im thinking of switching when 4.0 comes out.
Ptr Rogues your thoughts.
Ptr Rogues your thoughts.
- Posts: 1
Re: Ptr Rogues your thoughts.
- Posts: 202
Haven't been in the beta much since I hit 83 when we got the keys. Back then I felt that muti was doing fine with combat doing less than half the damage than it does on live. That was when master poisoner was still bugged (I think) so muti damage has dropped by like 22% since then. Combat also lost the kspree glyph so those numbers should be pretty screwed aswell. They haven't done any number balancing yet, but when they do I'd expect pretty hefty buffs as the damage overall (and tree design for sub/assasination & combat fillers) still seem pretty abysmal. It's still not too late to avoid having another wotlk-start-era when retail hits, but currently things are looking pretty dim from a mechanics point of view.
I'll be leveling a new rogue after I get some gear upgrades in the coming weeks, still gotta go through hyjal and the zones that weren't open since I last played.
I'll be leveling a new rogue after I get some gear upgrades in the coming weeks, still gotta go through hyjal and the zones that weren't open since I last played.
2 posts -