I have my stuff gemmed ArP, and in my bags I have Winding sheet heroic and Fleshrending gauntlets Heroic I can not use them right now because they lower my stats sadly enough and my ArP goes way down which is an issue because i need it at 1400.. I Know what 3 items I need and thats polar claw bracers heroic, the Ruby sanctum trinket and the necklace off Blood queen which will leave my ArP at about 1400 my expertise at 22 and my hit rating about 220-230ish im a dranei so i get that 1% extra hit..
I want to pull the highest #'s i can possible which i do about 15-16k dps on saurfang and rotface both fights are 3-5 minutes long.
Should I drop ArP and Gem strength or continue on with getting my set of gear?
Is having ArP vs Str much of a difference or no?
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... =Glucklich
(Might get unholy as offspec for raid comp completly unsure tho)
Armor Penetration vs Strength Gems
Re: Armor Penetration vs Strength Gems
- Posts: 405
Go whichever way you prefer. I'm probably going to just stick with my ArP gemming for now.
Strengths of +str gemming:
-Significantly superior in AoE situations or fights
-Frost Strike gains nothing from ArP. So situations with abnormally high RP generation is skewed towards +str build (also might want to get rid of CotG then)
-Unholy off-spec doesn't get screwed
Strengths of +ArP gemming:
-Slightly higher single-target DPS
-ERW at <35% gains even more bang, up to a point where you're tempted to wipe the raid on trashpacks or pull some extra so that it's up in time for the next boss too
Strengths of +str gemming:
-Significantly superior in AoE situations or fights
-Frost Strike gains nothing from ArP. So situations with abnormally high RP generation is skewed towards +str build (also might want to get rid of CotG then)
-Unholy off-spec doesn't get screwed
Strengths of +ArP gemming:
-Slightly higher single-target DPS
-ERW at <35% gains even more bang, up to a point where you're tempted to wipe the raid on trashpacks or pull some extra so that it's up in time for the next boss too
Re: Armor Penetration vs Strength Gems
- Posts: 3
Thank you for your response I might go back to strength Gems just for the fact that it wont really hurt my dps much if it does since there is quite a few aoe fights and Unholy offspec might be put into use ^^ ty
Re: Armor Penetration vs Strength Gems
- Posts: 1
Question regarding if youre gemming ArP instead of Str.
Wouldnt you be better off swapping CotG and one point in KM for full Subversion?
Especially when running with SoA. Obliterate now becomes your main dps gain and 9% crit has to count for a lot?
Wouldnt you be better off swapping CotG and one point in KM for full Subversion?
Especially when running with SoA. Obliterate now becomes your main dps gain and 9% crit has to count for a lot?
Re: Armor Penetration vs Strength Gems
- Posts: 405
So essentially trading a big chunk of RP generation (thus getting even more empty globals) for a talent that adds a miniscule amount of crit to one ability? Crit rate on Obliterate is already huge in any end-game gear, which results in Subversion having less and less value per point. I can't believe it'll be anywhere near worth it.
Black Ice you could at least argue for. I significantly prefer 5/5 as I'm not playing by clicking the abilities with my mouse, thus can use RGP to my advantage and lose pretty much no KM procs before having it proc again.
Black Ice you could at least argue for. I significantly prefer 5/5 as I'm not playing by clicking the abilities with my mouse, thus can use RGP to my advantage and lose pretty much no KM procs before having it proc again.
6 posts -