OS 10 - solo

OS 10 - solo

Post 02 Sep 2010 15:19

Avatar Senathor
Posts: 5
Hello everyone!

I've been thinking of soloing OS 10-man, i've seen many videos on Youtube and i'm soon getting Shadowmourne and i'm going to get 4 T10 tank items for increased AoE Damage on the adds that spawn and so that Blood Tap can be used as a defence CD too. So I got the gear for it. I've been told by other players that, speccing many talent's in Blood and leaving very few talents for Frost and Unholy won't work, i've been sitting in front of my computer for a while testing talents on Wowhead. And yes if I try OS many time and get to test all my specs I will find out in the end what I spec is the best, but, it will takes so much G and so much time if I do that. In my latest spec i've got Anti-Magic Zone specced. I would like to ask you a question about that ability, it says that it last until about 20K damage has been absorbed(goes away after 10 seconds otherwise). But it also says that while you are inside the Zone, you'll take 75% less damage, I was wondering, if I for an example get a 20k spell at me while I am inside the shield will the shield go away or will the shield make the 20K spell 75% less damaging and last until x4 of that 20k damaging spell has been casted or will the shield go away and I'll take 25% of the spell(5K)? And is it worth speccing it for Sartharion?
Does it absorb fire damage?

Anyone got some special specs, or tips for this?

I'm gonna keep on working for this, I just started :)

Re: OS 10 - solo

Post 02 Sep 2010 15:56

User avatarmeth
Posts: 357

Should give you a starting idea maybe. The Armory is currently down, so I couldn't check whether he sill has the mentioned 28/0/43 spec.

Edit: And it is up again - http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... cn=Raegwyn - although the video spec ain't there anymore. He still boasts some kind of special-tank spec with 38/4/29.

<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs