So even with the 30% buff on Saurfang 25 man i am pulling around 11k-13k fully buffed and people are telling me y is your dps that low in the gear you have so i have some questions about rotation gemming etc.
Rotation:HOW, Unbreakable armor,Diseases,Blood Strikex2,Obliterate,Frost strike. Is there a better rotation anyone knows?
Gems:I have heard some rumors that Arp is better for frost dks thatn str, Should i stay Str or switch to Arp
Guildless atm because of my dps. I would appreciate feedback
Armory Link:
Frost Dps
Re: Frost Dps
- Posts: 33
Exo wrote:So even with the 30% buff on Saurfang 25 man i am pulling around 11k-13k fully buffed and people are telling me y is your dps that low in the gear you have so i have some questions about rotation gemming etc.
Rotation:HOW, Unbreakable armor,Diseases,Blood Strikex2,Obliterate,Frost strike. Is there a better rotation anyone knows?
Gems:I have heard some rumors that Arp is better for frost dks thatn str, Should i stay Str or switch to Arp
Guildless atm because of my dps. I would appreciate feedback
Armory Link:
As far as I know, Frost DPS doesn't have a set rotation. The abilities you use as a Frost DK are based on a priority list:
Spell Priority (From EJ)
Single Target
1) Killing Machine -> Frost Strike
2) Keep Frost Fever up
3) Keep Blood Plague up
4) Obliterate
5) Blood Srike
6) Frost Strike
7) Rime
8) Horn of Winter
You might want to read this:
Frost DPS 3.3.3
Also Armor Penetration is the best stat for Frost but isn't worth gemming unless you can get close to hard capping (Read: 1300+).
Edit: 11-13k isn't that bad for your gear.
3 posts -