BiS frost dw Trinket normal and heroic
BiS frost dw Trinket normal and heroic
- Posts: 2
ok i have read so much stuff about this and cant seem to find an answer i have an Non heroic apparatus heart of rage a license to slay and the essence of eternal flame what do you guys think are the Best in slot trinkets for heroic and non heroic make ups
Re: BiS frost dw Trinket normal and heroic
- Posts: 2
oh and i also now that the Vessel of acceleration is also up for the runnign of BiS slot forgot to add that in there
Re: BiS frost dw Trinket normal and heroic
- Posts: 3
I would point for Vessel of Acceleration and heroic version of Heart of Rage.. There's a discussion about with Karagoth or Vessel but i find Vessel better ..
Re: BiS frost dw Trinket normal and heroic
- Posts: 3
First of all, it depends on the fight.
Lets say that you are at baleroc(both on hc and normal).
This is a single target dps fight, and as a melee player you such keep an eye on the crystals that will spawn and the movement in this combat is too little for a melee dps player.
What you want to have is to get maximum benefit from your trinkets in combats. You will be able to hit the boss all the time even you are changing your place behind the boss so you can assume that there wont be even a second you'll be at out of hitbox of the boss. So chance on hit trinkets will have more benefit. Heart of Rage hc is still the best trinket with high stats of exp/haste and over 2k str proc and it have 20 sec duration and an inner cd of 90 seconds and include the 10 secs to reopen it. That means you are usind almost 2xpots (golemblood gives 1200 str) every 100 seconds. And for this boss combat you cannot change it with anything.
And for other slot there are 2 options Hc Vessel/ Hc Apparatus
Between these 2 i would chose Apparatus. Why ? Because with vessel you get 458 str and with apparatus you get 433 str it seems like vessel seems better at first look. However what you gonna do with crit in single target fight? You are a death knight you crits is in your Killing machine and you dont need extra crit. I don't say that a lot of crit is bad for dk's just saying that there are more important stats then crit for dk. The haste that you'll get from apparatus hc is amazing almost another BL/Hero for 15 second. Think about getting bl every 2 min and if you dont have an amazing dps you'll open it 2 or 3 times in combat.
In multiple add combats where you kill the adds such as holding a lane in bethilac or in lord ryolith or in ragnaros(hc to kill the adds) combat crit have a lot benefits: you will want to spam as much as Howling Blast in those fights and as we know howling doesnt get crit benefit from killing machine neither your dots. Therefore using Vessel instead of apparatus in aoe fights is better.
As conclusion:
Heart of Rage Hc is still the best trinket whatever the combat is.
For second trinket slot:
Apparatus of Khazgorath Hc is the best trinket for single target combats.
Vessel of Acceleration Hc is the best trinket for aoe combats.
In you situation if i didn't get it wrong you have
Heart of Rage Normal version
Apparatus of khazgorath Notmal Version
License to slay Normal version
Essenco of eternal Flame Normal version
Vessel of Acceleration Normal version
Lets think about
Vessel Normal vs Heart of rage:
Normal vessel gives you 406 str + crit
Heart of rage gives you 128 Haste with reforge plus 1926 str every 90 sec for 20 sec. And expertise
What you need is always haste is you dont loose to much str.
If there is no mistake in my calculations(there can be) when you open 3 times you heart , vessel give you better str but after 4 th time you start to gain almost same benefit. And heart of rage is good in one thing you start with you cds plus golemblood plus heat of rage and your weapon enchant and if you have eng etc. that means you are gaining an amazing str for 20 second almost 4-5 k bonus str that means with your cds 8 - 10 k ap bonus. And the beatifull thing is in a long combat you get it 3 more time(another time with a pot and and without pot) If the combat lasts for 6 min you get it 3 times if it last 3 min you get it 2 times(including the begining).
So you should use Heart of rage + Apparatus in Single Target Combats and Heart of rage + vessel in aoe combats.
Lets say that you are at baleroc(both on hc and normal).
This is a single target dps fight, and as a melee player you such keep an eye on the crystals that will spawn and the movement in this combat is too little for a melee dps player.
What you want to have is to get maximum benefit from your trinkets in combats. You will be able to hit the boss all the time even you are changing your place behind the boss so you can assume that there wont be even a second you'll be at out of hitbox of the boss. So chance on hit trinkets will have more benefit. Heart of Rage hc is still the best trinket with high stats of exp/haste and over 2k str proc and it have 20 sec duration and an inner cd of 90 seconds and include the 10 secs to reopen it. That means you are usind almost 2xpots (golemblood gives 1200 str) every 100 seconds. And for this boss combat you cannot change it with anything.
And for other slot there are 2 options Hc Vessel/ Hc Apparatus
Between these 2 i would chose Apparatus. Why ? Because with vessel you get 458 str and with apparatus you get 433 str it seems like vessel seems better at first look. However what you gonna do with crit in single target fight? You are a death knight you crits is in your Killing machine and you dont need extra crit. I don't say that a lot of crit is bad for dk's just saying that there are more important stats then crit for dk. The haste that you'll get from apparatus hc is amazing almost another BL/Hero for 15 second. Think about getting bl every 2 min and if you dont have an amazing dps you'll open it 2 or 3 times in combat.
In multiple add combats where you kill the adds such as holding a lane in bethilac or in lord ryolith or in ragnaros(hc to kill the adds) combat crit have a lot benefits: you will want to spam as much as Howling Blast in those fights and as we know howling doesnt get crit benefit from killing machine neither your dots. Therefore using Vessel instead of apparatus in aoe fights is better.
As conclusion:
Heart of Rage Hc is still the best trinket whatever the combat is.
For second trinket slot:
Apparatus of Khazgorath Hc is the best trinket for single target combats.
Vessel of Acceleration Hc is the best trinket for aoe combats.
In you situation if i didn't get it wrong you have
Heart of Rage Normal version
Apparatus of khazgorath Notmal Version
License to slay Normal version
Essenco of eternal Flame Normal version
Vessel of Acceleration Normal version
Lets think about
Vessel Normal vs Heart of rage:
Normal vessel gives you 406 str + crit
Heart of rage gives you 128 Haste with reforge plus 1926 str every 90 sec for 20 sec. And expertise
What you need is always haste is you dont loose to much str.
If there is no mistake in my calculations(there can be) when you open 3 times you heart , vessel give you better str but after 4 th time you start to gain almost same benefit. And heart of rage is good in one thing you start with you cds plus golemblood plus heat of rage and your weapon enchant and if you have eng etc. that means you are gaining an amazing str for 20 second almost 4-5 k bonus str that means with your cds 8 - 10 k ap bonus. And the beatifull thing is in a long combat you get it 3 more time(another time with a pot and and without pot) If the combat lasts for 6 min you get it 3 times if it last 3 min you get it 2 times(including the begining).
So you should use Heart of rage + Apparatus in Single Target Combats and Heart of rage + vessel in aoe combats.
4 posts -