Hungering Cold
Hungering Cold
- Posts: 1
Quick question, I was looking through the armory at some of your dks and came across glyph of hungering cold. Wondering if there is a bug that allows it to effect mind freeze or some other oversight as I am unable to find anything indicating this would have any use to unholy.
Re: Hungering Cold
- Posts: 3
Most likely the reason for him (guessing you're refering to Mancheese) having the glyph of hungering cold, is cause he's swapping between Frost and Unholy depending on the fight that are add based and where the adds can be kited around(Magmaw/Cho'gall/Conclave) with the help of Howling blast, in these cases hungering cold can be really useful to trap the adds you've currently got running after you, giving you the time to pick the new ones up and get them piled together so you can continoue kiting without having to worry about your howling blast missing some of the targets (given that you're hitcapped ofc)
2 posts -