2H Frost Help.

2H Frost Help.

Post 13 Feb 2011 00:32

Avatar Emmersblade
Posts: 1
So this is my armory us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bonechewer/emmersblade/simple . I've recently gotten into raiding and with the new buffs coming in to 2H Frost and a general dislike for Unholy's playstyle, I've been looking to try out this newly viable(?) spec. I'm wondering if there's any glaring mistakes in my gear with reforging/gemming since I haven't been able to tell, but some things just feel off. Mainly my 1st trinket slot. Right now for options I have Right Eye of Rajh, Might of the Ocean, and Magnetite Mirror. I noticed I was pulling higher with Might of the Ocean, but when looking at it logically it seems like Right Eye should put out more. Any suggestions?

As just an example of how I was performing, I pulled 19.7k DPS on Normal Magmaw25, no damage on adds.