First of all great work on cataclysm, as we see there are great guilds who did great jobs and still you managed to do first kills. I want to ask some questions about UH DW Dps.
UH DW Dks ,I have a question about your runeforging while you use DW.
Why do you use 2x Fallen crusader? As i tried on to a target dummy , you wont get 2x Buff from it , but i accept that the buff is always up. And i also tried all other runeforging and they are really bad with DW. But now i am playing with Fallen Crusader + Hurricane which makes a great difference in dps. Because as you know some weapon enchants doesnt have inner cds and therefore with fast melee speed its is really easy to up 2x hurricanes on you which gives us 900 haste and we know that haste is nearly the most important thing in UH.
And i have another question about presence in UH DW,
I use generaly Uh presence when i play UH but in dw its a bit different, because in the fight where we get BL with the beggining of the combat is it a good idea to start with Frost Presence to get more Damage buff and we would get a lot of haste from UH Frenzy, BL, Engineering Gloves etc... But i am not sure and i have never tried it...
And another question about general UH DW,
The thing is as i see a lot of peaple still use 2H UH, and with a good gear i beleive that they make tons of dps. However when i use DW in Uh i make more dps or atleast the same dps while i was in 2H i am currently equiping, main hand Soul Blade(Fallen Crusader) , Off Hand Lava Spine(with hurricane). [I have also another Lava Spine(Razorice) and i am using it for Frost Spec.]
As a 2 handed weapon i have Akirus the Worm-Breaker.
I think Akirus is a useless item if you are exp capped. However i still see a lot of people with it so i wonder if i am thinking wrong.
The last question is about the pot usage.
For a lot of combat i try to do double pot trick. But as pot i have different ideas.
For example we don`t get bl in the begining for a boss combat and get it after 3 minute. And I am playing DW.
Is it better to use Golemblood Potion, Or will i get more benefit from old haste potions.
Maybe it can be better to use golemblood for DW but if i play 2H what do you think about the haste potion.
Anyway if you want to check my gear,hit,exp,talents or how do i look like my armory link is
Some information about my gear:
As you know normaly my glove is used by tanks bcs it have really bad str. That is a temporary gloves bcs i am using it for exp cap. And i dont have any other glove that provides me Exp or Haste . Thats why i reforged my trinkets exp.
And about the cape i am nearly the unluckiest man in the world, I dont even have 346 cape ..... And i still think that my cape is not that bad.
I would appreciate if you answer my questions,
Thank you for your interests,
Sacred Rite
About UH DW Dps
About UH DW Dps
- Posts: 3
Re: About UH DW Dps
- Posts: 92
Firyn wrote:UH DW Dks ,I have a question about your runeforging while you use DW.
[...] we know that haste is nearly the most important thing in UH.
Strength is the most important thing. By far.
The reason behind using 2 x RotFC is indeed to maximize the uptime of the strength buff. 15% strength should be something around 700+ STR unbuffed. I would argue this is more important than sometimes getting 450 or even 900 haste rating.
As far as I know you shouldn't use UF while BL is active anyways. Losing all runepower while switching to UH presence should be more damage loss due to lost DC's than you can possibly get by fighting 40 sec in frost presenceFiryn wrote:And i have another question about presence in UH DW,
I use generaly Uh presence when i play UH but in dw its a bit different, because in the fight where we get BL with the beggining of the combat is it a good idea to start with Frost Presence to get more Damage buff and we would get a lot of haste from UH Frenzy, BL, Engineering Gloves etc... But i am not sure and i have never tried it...
Firyn wrote:I think Akirus is a useless item if you are exp capped. However i still see a lot of people with it so i wonder if i am thinking wrong.
reforging should solve beeing exp capped in the most cases. You should also consider the upcoming patch.
In the current state UH 2H should be better if you have access to heroic gear.
Firyn wrote:The last question is about the pot usage.
For example we don`t get bl in the begining for a boss combat and get it after 3 minute. And I am playing DW.
Is it better to use Golemblood Potion, Or will i get more benefit from old haste potions.
Maybe it can be better to use golemblood for DW but if i play 2H what do you think about the haste potion.
Haste potion: 500 haste for 15 seconds
Golemblood potion: 1200 strength for 25 seconds
I cannot see ANY possible situation (neither DW nor 2H) where you should even consider using potion of speed instead of golemblood potion.
Firyn wrote:Anyway if you want to check my gear,hit,exp,talents or how do i look like my armory link is
You should reconsider your gems. You don't want to gem pure hit and you do not want to gem hit/haste, because... well strength is more important. If you are missing hit, go for reforging. And yes, you will need a diffrent meta gem.
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