Hello, I have a question that prolly has been answered before through many post but I wanted to here from Mancheese and Synti.
So I'm a DK in a 10man raiding guild http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... gie/simple is my armory. I'm going to respec and re-glyph like Mancheese spec and glyphs. I know some of the glyphs are wrong anyways.
Now I understand mastery isn't great atm until patch 4.06 but Ive been playing with Haste and Mastery. I've come to notice that when I have haste around 10-12% I do less DMG with only having 8%ish in haste stats. I don't understand why that is. Theoretically I should do more DPS with more haste b/c my runes and spells are replenishing faster. Also I feel my DPS is vary low with my gear that I currently have. Also I'm not even sure if I'm doing the right rotation.
http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/82653/ --- I started raiding the week of 1-18 to 1-23
Could really use some suggestions etc. I wanna be on top of the charts.
Thanks - Look forward to hearing from you guys.
**I know I have reforged for Mastery and thats b/c I was trying it out with less haste, if I reforge for haste I get around 12%.
Unholy DPS (Haste) WoL included
Re: Unholy DPS (Haste) WoL included
- Posts: 4
Still could use some suggestions. I'm forged for all haste and when switching weapons around I go from 3.00speed to 2.67speed (depending on weapon selection). My rotation is DnD, SS, FS, DC(rune dump) DT when available.
Re: Unholy DPS (Haste) WoL included
- Posts: 405
Just check the EJ guide for priority on rotations. I'm not entirely sure how it's written there though. Usually they're quite good on the basics, assuming the fight is completely single target without breaks in the rotations.
Just reforge for a lot of Haste. You can't really go wrong with that. Make sure you're in the hit cap, make sure you use Dark Transformation as much as possible, try not to clip Runic Corruption uptime by spamming back-to-back Death Coils. You have to stagger them.
Just reforge for a lot of Haste. You can't really go wrong with that. Make sure you're in the hit cap, make sure you use Dark Transformation as much as possible, try not to clip Runic Corruption uptime by spamming back-to-back Death Coils. You have to stagger them.
3 posts -