As a lot of DW death knights on me server do, i as well reforge stats to maximize mastery on my gear. I have taken this to the extreme even if a piece of gear has say mastery/haste and another has expertise/crit I will reforge the haste to expertise on the first piece and the expertise to mastery ont he second piece, essentially trading haste for mastery in the end. Looking at synti's armory after seeing the incredible dps output (grats on H sinestra btw) I noticed haste was valued much more than mastery is. I was wondering if this was due to gear level or if I to value haste instead if I will see a dps increase. I wish I had a combat log to link as that information would help, only reference I have is Argaloth, where I will end the fight normally at about 15-18k depending on buffs(although I have nto had a chance to do this after aquiring my 2p bonus). As with startign a new guild I have not had the chance to raid but would still like to be at my best in a frost spec as pet management is not something I care for really.
Link to my armory: ... ver/simple
Again sorry for the lengthy post, and I appreciate any constructive criticism anyone may have.
Frost DW 4.0.3 Haste vs Mastery
Re: Frost DW 4.0.3 Haste vs Mastery
- Posts: 405
That's because the set is for UH dual-wield. I haven't gotten any half-decent 2H weapons yet.
There might've been frost spec up for a moment with Razorice on one of the weapons. I was kiting Magmaw's adds and AoE'ing a bit on Anshal's platform in Conclave. I just couldn't be bothered to reforge after Sinestra for a proper Frost set. Waiting for Kruf to finish up his reforging addon.
Mastery > all in AoE fights. There's just no going around it. Depending on the fight, feel free to drop plenty of points from expertise too. I usually play it in the obvious AoE fights plus Cho'gall.
There might've been frost spec up for a moment with Razorice on one of the weapons. I was kiting Magmaw's adds and AoE'ing a bit on Anshal's platform in Conclave. I just couldn't be bothered to reforge after Sinestra for a proper Frost set. Waiting for Kruf to finish up his reforging addon.
Mastery > all in AoE fights. There's just no going around it. Depending on the fight, feel free to drop plenty of points from expertise too. I usually play it in the obvious AoE fights plus Cho'gall.
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