Rogue Tricks of the Trade Macro Help

Rogue Tricks of the Trade Macro Help

Post 29 Apr 2010 13:51

Avatar stannyxx69
Posts: 8
Hello Maeil and Rakez, currently I have two Tricks of the Trade macros.
One is "TotT", the other one "SetTotT" which sets up the tricks target before combat. So when I press tricks I can tricks on that person without having to switch targets, etc. I usually set this on the main tank, however it would take me forever to actually cast the normal tricks on someone other then the main tank.

It'd be great if you can provide your Tricks of the Trade macros, or some tips on how to Tricks different people faster.

Thank you.

Re: Rogue Tricks of the Trade Macro Help

Post 15 May 2010 09:12

Avatar wakoz
Posts: 144
/cast [target=TRICKSTARGETHERE] Tricks of the Trade


/cast [target=Focus] Tricks Of The Trade (focus tricks)