Alright, what are the best raid frames? And by best I mean most minimalistic, and easiest to setup.
ALSO, how do I enable the portrait on Pitbull? It says it's enabled but it's not there o.O
What raid frames?? AND Pitbull...
Re: What raid frames?? AND Pitbull...
- Posts: 50
I'm sure the answer you will get from most (if not all) Paragon members is Grid and I agree with them wholeheartedly.
Re: What raid frames?? AND Pitbull...
- Posts: 29
Monsteramous wrote:Alright, what are the best raid frames? And by best I mean most minimalistic, and easiest to setup.
Most people will tell you to use Grid, and I'm not entirely sure of it's functionality because I've never used it, but I suggest you check out VuhDo. VuhDo is most commonly used as a click-heal addon, but it has incredible macro capabilities. Instead of binding spells to frames, you can bind macros to them. You can set the frames up in such a way that you can target, heal, and focus someone by clicking on their portrait. You can also use modifier keys in bindings. It's basically just a really fancy raid frames addon. I use it on every one of my characters, most importantly on my healers.
It's also one of the most customizable addons I know of, aside from Pitbull. You can really get it to look any which way you'd like.
Monsteramous wrote:ALSO, how do I enable the portrait on Pitbull? It says it's enabled but it's not there o.O
Not entirely sure how to help you with that one, other than to tell you to make sure you're using the intended layout. I had a similar problem once, but then I realized that I was turning portraits on for my PETS. :P
3 posts -